Can Dental Implants Cause Complications?

Dental implants are used to replace lost teeth and are an alternative to dentures. Implants are fitted into the bone structure using a piece of titanium metal. Dental implants can then be used normally like your natural teeth. Dental implants have a high success rate. In rare cases, complications may occur.

Sinus Problems

An implant on the molars can penetrate through the bone structure of the jaws and into the sinus cavity, causing sinus infections. This often happens when you have low bone mass around the area of the molar. The solution is usually to have your bones examined before a dental implant is performed, to see if you have enough bone mass for the implants. If not, your dental surgeon will perform a sinus lift to create space in the sinus cavity. He will then perform a bone graft to ensure you have enough bone mass to hold the implants.


Dental implants are normally installed under sterile conditions. As a back-up measure, you will also be given a round of antibiotics. Though rare, infections of the site surrounding the implant may occur. Such infections are normally due to failure by the patients to follow the dentists' instructions. If you follow your dentists' instructions carefully, you don't have to worry about infections. However, in case you suspect an infection, inform your dentist immediately.


Stress on the teeth due to grinding or eating can cause your implants to fracture or move. Follow your dentist's instructions to minimise movement of the implant.

Damage to Surrounding Structures

Dental implants may affect surrounding bones, teeth, gums and blood vessels. Implants may damage your gums or change their appearance. In such a case, your dental surgeon will normally perform a gum graft.


Some people with underlying medical conditions such as cancer, alcoholism, diabetes and gum disease may experience difficulty healing. Share your medical history with your dental surgeon who will take appropriate measures to avoid complications.

Implant Failure

On rare occasions, implants may fail to integrate with the bone, causing implant failure. This is normally due to lack of sufficient bone mass or too much bone mass. A good dental surgeon with the right technique should be able to prevent this; so choose your surgeon wisely. Dental implants will restore your teeth to their natural use. You will most likely go through the process without any complication. However, to minimize your chances of getting complications, choose a qualified surgeon and follow his instructions before and after the procedure.

For more information, contact a business such as Summit Oral Surgery.
