Why You Should Choose Traditional Braces Over Lingual Braces

If it's evident that you need braces, you'll want to speak to an orthodontist in a timely manner to discuss your options. One thing that you might not know is that there are several different types of braces that may be appropriate for you. One type is lingual braces, which are mounted to the insides of your teeth. The big advantage of lingual braces is that they're not visible. This makes them a suitable choice for someone who feels self conscious about his or her appearance. While your first instinct might be to ask for lingual braces, here are some reasons that traditional braces mounted to the outsides of your teeth are a better choice.

Cleaning Them Is Easier

Lingual braces can be appealing because they remain out of sight, but one of the biggest issues that you have with this type of braces is keeping your teeth clean. Cleaning around braces can be a bit of a challenge that requires a period of adjustment to begin with, but the job is considerably easier when you can see the braces — which is the case for traditional braces on the outsides of your teeth. You may thoroughly struggle to clean around lingual braces because of your inability to see them.

They'll Bother Your Tongue Less

Although you might be aware of the slightly rough sensation of traditional braces rubbing against the insides of your gums, you'll quickly get used to this feeling. With lingual braces, it can be another story. You might adopt the habit of running the tip of your tongue along the braces, given that their presence can feel noticeable at first. The result can be some tongue discomfort. Even without specifically rubbing your tongue against the braces, the tip of your tongue may be in contact with the braces when it's at rest — which can feel unpleasant for some people.

Orthodontist Visits Are More Challenging

While any experienced orthodontist will likely have lots of patients with lingual braces, you may find that check-ups are a little more challenging with this type of braces. For example, for your orthodontist to access the braces, you'll often need to tilt your head at more of an angle. This is something that may be unpleasant, or perhaps even uncomfortable. With traditional braces on the outsides of your teeth, adjustments won't be as much of a challenge.

Be sure to always talk about traditional braces versus lingual braces with your orthodontist so that you can make an informed decision.
