All About Crown Lengthening

If you have too much of your gums showing in your smile or feel that your teeth are just too small, you may want to consider crown lengthening. This procedure reduces visible gum lines and creates a more noticeable smile by simply removing excess gum tissue. The following is information on what you need to know concerning crown lengthening. The Definition of Crown Lengthening Crown lengthening is an oral surgery performed by dentists used for both cosmetic and non-cosmetic reasons. Read More 

Bone Augmentation Procedures Available For Dental Implant Patients

Tooth loss caused by trauma or injury, periodontal diseases or cavities can often result in bone loss over time. This complicates any attempts to replace the lost tooth with a dental implant, as the jawbone lacks enough bone width or depth to support the false tooth. In such cases, dentists result to bone augmentation, a term describing various procedures used to rebuild the lost bone and restore your natural jaw so that it can provide the sturdy foundation required to support a dental implant and false tooth. Read More 

Improving Your Smile With Veneers

One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your teeth is through the use of veneers. A veneer is a thin shell that is customized to completely envelop the front side of a tooth. Because they can completely change the color, size and shape of the tooth, veneers are an excellent solution for most issues concerning unattractive teeth. Whether your teeth are discolored, chipped, cracked, crooked or poorly spaced, visiting your dentist for veneers may be the perfect remedy. Read More 

What To Expect Right After You Get Dental Implants

When you have dental implants you will have a lot of information to keep track of regarding the procedure and the recovery. This can make it difficult for you to know just what to expect after you go through the procedure. If you are going to be getting dental implants, you should read the information below so you are well-informed of what you can expect those first few days after getting your implants. Read More 

4 Benefits Of Getting A Dental Implant For Your Missing Tooth

A missing tooth is what causes many people to hide their smile in social situations. They are often concerned about what other people will think, and stop smiling out of embarrassment. If this sounds like something you are personally going through, you are not alone. You should never be self conscious of your smile, especially when a dental implant could fix it. Consider these 4 benefits of using a dental implant to restore that missing tooth. Read More