Diabetics: Watch Out for These Dental Conditions If You Don’t Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check

As a diabetic, you know how important it is to keep your blood sugar in check. Failing to do so could lead to a range of consequences, from vision loss to peripheral nerve damage. Did you know, though, that allowing your blood sugar to get out of control for even short periods of time increases your risk of several dental-related issues, including the following? Gum Disease Though all diabetics are at an increased risk of gum disease, those who do a poor job of keeping their blood sugar in check are particularly at risk. Read More 

3 Types Of Dental Fillings Compared

Dental fillings are commonly used to repair teeth that have been damaged by cavities or trauma. If you have never had a tooth filled before, you may not be aware that there are different types to choose from. Here is a comparison of three common types of fillings to help you choose the best type for your teeth. Amalgam Fillings Amalgam fillings, also known as silver fillings, are one of the most affordable filling options available. Read More 

Resin Crowns: Q & A

If you have recently undergone a restorative procedure for one of your teeth, such as a dental filling or a root canal, your dentist may place a dental crown over the treated tooth. Dental crowns are used to cover, protect and restore the functionality to a tooth. There are multiple types of crown materials, such as porcelain, porcelain-over-metal, stainless steel and resin. However, the least expensive type of dental crown is usually the resin crown. Read More 

Answers To 4 Important Questions About Teenagers And Dental Veneers

When your teenager wants the perfect teeth they see on television and in movies, it is tempting to immediately provide them with the veneers that give a white, bright smile.  However, unless you want to provide them with the veneers several times between now and when they finish college, it is a good idea to know when your son or daughter is actually ready for them. If veneers are provided before a teenager has stopped growing, you will not just be buying them shoes and jeans on a regular basis, you will also be buying new veneers. Read More 

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

If you have one or more of your teeth missing, you'll want to choose the best option possible for replacing your teeth. One very valid option is dental implants. They give you a permanent replacement for your missing teeth that look and feel like your natural ones. Also, they require no more maintenance than your natural teeth do. Although dental implants are a great option, they aren't for everyone. You can learn more about implants in this article so that you can determine whether or not they may be the right choice for you. Read More