Is Dental Implant Surgery Risky?

The need for dental implants can be caused by a variety of factors, both controllable and uncontrollable. However, many patients begin to worry the moment their dentist prescribes dental implant surgery. This is mostly due to the perception that people have towards surgical procedures. If you are wondering whether the procedure is risky, you will be glad to know that it is not. The main reason why dental implant surgery is not risky is that the treatment plan is customized to suit each patient's condition. Read More 

Why You Should Choose Traditional Braces Over Lingual Braces

If it's evident that you need braces, you'll want to speak to an orthodontist in a timely manner to discuss your options. One thing that you might not know is that there are several different types of braces that may be appropriate for you. One type is lingual braces, which are mounted to the insides of your teeth. The big advantage of lingual braces is that they're not visible. This makes them a suitable choice for someone who feels self conscious about his or her appearance. Read More 

Shopping For Holiday Gifts? 4 Dental Treatments You Should Gift Yourself This Year

Now that the holidays are almost here, you're probably busy searching for the perfect gifts for your friends and family. However, you probably haven't put yourself on your shopping list. With the holidays fast approaching, it's time to start thinking about some gifts that you'd like to give yourself. Don't just give yourself something you'll use a couple of times and then discard. Instead, give yourself something that you'll benefit from for years to come. Read More 

3 Tips To Keep In Mind After Getting Dental Implants Installed

Getting dental implants installed is a great decision that will dramatically improve your smile and quality of life. The first week or so after the implants are put in can sometimes be pretty rough, though. Your dentist will likely have a plan for you to follow, but if you want additional advice, keep these tips in mind. Salt Water Can Help If you don't like the idea of being drugged up to stop the pain, salt water can be your friend. Read More 

The Benefits Of A Clear Aligner Tray System

If you are looking to straighten your teeth, there are many products on the market that can help you do so. Braces have long been the go-to product for shifting teeth, giving you a straight, even smile. But these days, more people than ever are turning to clear aligner trays to slowly shift their teeth. If you are considering doing so, you may wonder what benefits a clear aligner tray system has over braces. Read More